Thursday, March 13, 2008


Artikel di Muka Hadapan Akhbar Unggul New York Times, oleh Thomas Fuller
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Public protests are frowned on by Malaysia’s mildly authoritarian government and often broken up by the riot police. So when a group of opposition party members and activists wanted to send a message to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi earlier this year they chose a softer and safer alternative — delivering a pillow to his office.
“He has a reputation for liking to sleep,” said Rahmat Haron, a poet and self-styled government critic. Mr. Rahmat helped lead the small delegation, which made it as far as the security checkpoint. “He sleeps in cabinet meetings, he sleeps in Parliament,” he added. “So we thought, why not make him more comfortable?”


Anonymous said...

harapan saya supaya kita bersama sama berganding bahu mewujudkan kerajaan yang BERSIH daripada ANASIR yang KOTOR.

Anonymous said...

bersatu kita maju
di bawah pemimpin baru
walaupun parah kita tuju
kejayaan dan perubahan itulah yang kami mahu

Setiap artikel yang ditulis adalah di bawah tanggungjawab penulis.
Bagaimanapun artikel yang dicopy dari sumber lain, bukanlah tanggungjawab penulis.
Ianya sekadar satu perkongsian maklumat atau bahan untuk ditimbang dan dikaji kebenarannya.